Trump vs. Public Citizens

— by Robert Weissman — President, Public Citizen Here’s the strategy: We will uncover the corruption in everything Donald Trump does. We will call out Trump’s wholesale handover of our government to Big Business. We will expose Trump for his complete and utter betrayal of

Don’t take Trump literally, take him symbolically? … Surprise!

For all those middle class voters who “wanted a change” and “someone to shake up the system,” they’re about to get what they wished for.  The only problem is that now that the Republicans have complete control of government, they’re getting ready

Clinton at the National Urban League Conference

— July 31, 2015 I’m very pleased that many presidential candidates will be here today to address you. It is a signal that the work you’ve been doing – laboring in the vineyards for decades – is getting the political attention it

The Five-Step Process to Privatize Everything

— by Paul Buchheit Law enforcement, education, health care, water management, government itself — all have been or are being privatized. People with money get the best of each service. At the heart of privatization is a disdain for government and a

“Trillion Dollar Fraudsters”: We’re Looking At An Enormous, Destructive Republican Con Job, And You Should Be Very, Very Angry

Reblogged from By now it’s a Republican Party tradition: Every year the party produces a budget that allegedly slashes deficits, but which turns out to contain a trillion-dollar “magic asterisk” — a line that promises huge spending cuts and/or revenue increases,


What We All Can Do To Give Women And Families A Fair Shot At Getting Ahead — by CAP Action War Room Fifty years ago, most families were able to pay their bills, save for their children’s education and plan for their