Much is being written (and misrepresented) about Section 1233 of the Healthcare Reform bill currently in the House bill. This is the section of the bill that modifies the Medicare regulation and provides for medical payments for consultations with your personal doctor related
If you missed the August 3rd County Commissioner’s meeting, here are three videos that capture some of the content covered during the meeting related to the proposed Jungo Road Landfill: Clip #1 [9:48] Martha Dolan Questioning Recology COO George McGrath Clip #2
I attended the Nevadans Against Garbage Meeting held at the Martin on August 5th. Here are a few notes of interest. Nevadans Against Garbage is a groups of local non-partisan citizens who are concerned about the proposed landfill and are dedicated to
The house passed HR2749, Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 today by recorded vote: 283 – 142 (Roll no. 680). Representative Heller voted NO, while Representatives Titus and Berkeley voted YES. Passage of this bill represents the first major changes to food-safety
Over the past few weeks, individuals and groups have come together in a community-wide effort to stop the progress of the Jungo Disposal Site. They’re working together to get a website up and running and are excited to announce the naming of their new group – Nevadans
Promoted by the Pickens Plan, HR 1835 now has 75 co-sponsors in the house (mostly democratic, but none of whom are from Nevada). This energy bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code to: Allow an excise tax credit through 2027 for alternative
The House Committee on Energy and Commerce has prepared district-level analyses of the impact of the legislation, for each member of the house. Each analysis includes information on the impact of the legislation on small businesses, seniors in Medicare, health care providers, and
I got a scare-letter from Heller in my email this morning about the Employee Free Choice Act and how it would cause the loss of 600,000 jobs. Here’s a copy of the letter to Pelosi he provided in the letter: Dear Speaker
Long-time oilman, T. Boone Pickens, in the absence of effective leadership in Washington, is attempting to assume a leadership role aimed at weaning the U.S. off of middle eastern oil. He’s been in the news this week as he’s promoted his plan and