Want to learn more about how economics in our nation has changed in the last thirty years? Meander over to Slate and take a walk through 10 slides on ‘The Great Divergence in Pictures.” Slide 10 is the best one as it
For those of you who have been following the Health Care debate, you should recognize the bill number in this latest fraudulent email blast beginning to hit everyone’s inbox. It’s HR3590. First it was death panels, now it’s a threat of the
Today, President Obama signed into law the most sweeping reforms of our financial system since the Great Depression and the strongest consumer protections in history. Here are a few highlights: There’s now a single agency responsible for looking out for consumers: the
On April 15, 2010, the President issued a Presidential memorandum to HHS calling for the initiation of rulemaking that would ensure that hospitals that participate in Medicare or Medicaid respect the rights of patients to designate visitors, regardless of whether the visitors
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder, on Tuesday, Jun 8, 2010, sent a letter to state attorneys general urging them to work with HHS and federal, state, and local law
by Peter Budetti, Deputy Administrator for Program Integrity, CMS | Posted June 07, 2010 As part of the Affordable Care Act, in the coming weeks, many Medicare recipients across the country will begin receiving a tax-free $250 rebate check to help pay
On Tuesday, President Obama signed health insurance reform into law. And on Thursday, the Senate made good on its promise to fix and finish reform by passing the reconciliation bill 56-43. A little while later, the house passed the last revision, Yeas and
Nevada Geothermal Power Co. has an immediate opening for a Power Plant Mechanic at its Blue Mountain Geothermal Power Plant located 25 miles west of Winnemucca, NV. To qualify for this position you must have hands-on, journeyman level experience with troubleshooting, repair
Here’s a link to the 2,074 page health care reform bill (HR 3590) released by Senator Reid. A cloture vote to begin floor debate is expected to take place on Saturday 11/21/09. GOP Senators are beginning to close ranks in an attempt
Finally … the text is up on THOMAS for HR 3962: Affordable Health Care for America Act (as introduced in the House) [If you’d prefer to download and read the pdf version … go here: http://www.govtrack.us/data/us/bills.text/111/h/h3962ih.pdf … but keep in mind that