Of late, we’ve all been hearing how Nevada doesn’t have money for this and Nevada doesn’t have money for that. We all have to tighten our belts and share in the sacrifice. Well, that is, unless you’re a hungry legislator. It appears
Throughout the campaign, we listened to one Republican after another rant about less Government and getting Government out of our lives … and that if elected to Congress, that’s exactly what they’d do. Even more specifically, they didn’t think Government should have
Remember all the furor over the Patriot Act … specifically, three sections of the Patriot Act — The “Library Provision” — that provision that allows some secret court to issue confiscation orders for anything and everything that might be deemed relevant to
With the rules changed to allow pre-filing of proposed legislation, the 120-day session will start with a full trough. 128 Assembly bills have been pre-filed and 125 Senate bills have already been pre-filed. All those bills be introduced in the few days
Last year, a long needed bill finally passed the U.S. Congress despite severely distorted lies and misinformation, perpetrated on the public, regarding the details about what was and was not included in that bill. That bill was the Healthcare Reform (HCR) Bill.
Reposted from “Friends of Black Rock” blog: Judge Recommends Humboldt County Accept Settlement for Jungo Landfill from Recology Legal Team, her Former Law Partner Nevadans Against Garbage, a grass roots organization formed to stop Recology’s (Jungo Land & Investment) Jungo Road landfill
Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis, and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner sent a letter to Members of Congress to provide an update on implementation of the Affordable Care Act and discuss how the law will
On Wednesday, when the 112th Senate opens it’s first session, it has to adopt a set of rules governing how they will conduct business. They do that at the first of each Congressional session. This time, however, instead of adopting the previous
On February 18, 2010, President Obama, by executive order, established the “National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. That commission was charged with identifying policies to improve our nation’s fiscal situation in the medium term, and to achieve fiscal sustainability over the
The tea party may claim they’re against ‘big government’ and ‘regulation’ in any form, but it’s clear they weren’t any type of driving force in stopping the food safety bill. Yesterday, 11/30/2010, the Senate finally passed the Food Safety Enhancement Act (S.