It’s been190 days since the GOP took control of the House using a “Jobs” campaign message … and we’re still waiting on a Republican jobs bill. Democratic Senators are urging that job-creation measures be included in the final debt reduction deal resulting from
If last night’s vote in NY-26, a seriously red district in western New York, said anything, it’s that Rep. Ryan’s Path to Poverty (for the middle class and seniors) is an absolute non-starter with the American public. Yet a number of Republicans
As Americans continue to struggle with outrageous, unstable gas prices, big oil continues to benefit from them. Last week, the five biggest oil companies reported a massive profits: $30 billion in first-quarter profits, a 38% increase from last year. Despite these astronomical profits,
From Steven Horsford, NV Senate Majority Leader: Since the start of the legislative session in February, we’ve heard weeks and weeks of testimony about how to fix the state’s budget. Today, the Democratic leadership introduced a budget approach that makes the fundamental
In 2009 President Obama announced that he would increase the number of troops in Afghanistan, but that he would begin drawing them down in July 2011. In a speech given in December 2009, President Obama told the nation: “The 30,000 additional troops
2010 was a “census” year and now 2011 is a “redistricting” year. Up until now, what we’ve seen and heard coming from the NV Legislature has been talk of budget and cuts. We’re now starting to hear the first whispers of the
I realize that it’s April 1st — April Fools Day — but today, the House Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor, introduced HR 1255: To prevent a shutdown of the government of the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by
Heads up: Congress is debating a compromise to HR1 (the draconian House Continuing Resolution Budget bill) that would be devastating to Nevada. Here’s a link to the original bill: HR1 — Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011. You can access my analysis of the
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law one year ago today, March 23, 2010. The GOP may be campaigning to “repeal” and “replace” it … but thus far, they’ve offered up absolutely nothing of any substance whatsoever with which
Nearly 4 million Medicare beneficiaries receive help with prescription drug cost under Affordable Care Act Savings from new drug discounts in 2011 already total $38 million Through provisions of the Affordable Care Act, nearly 4 million people with Medicare who reached the