Under the Reading Lamp — 1/30/2012

Jim Hightower | Buying Our Future Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: “Already, four of the top GOP presidential contenders have dropped out. Michele Bachmann went first, because she was too wacky, followed by Jon Huntsman, because he was too sane. Herman Cain gave up

Big News on Birth Control

— By Stephanie Cutter, Deputy Campaign Manager on January 22, 2012 Here’s some big news that’s going to affect millions of women. On Friday, the Obama administration announced that soon women won’t have to pay out of pocket for birth control: starting August 1st, many

Join the Online March for Trust Women Week!

Today, as we celebrate the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, women’s reproductive freedom and health are still under attack. The Tea Party Congress has moved aggressively to shut down women’s access to reproductive health care and deny

Workshop: Proposed Regulation to Implement SB417 re: Recycling

Notice of Workshop for Proposed Regulation for Implementing SB417 Concerning MunicipalRecycling at Apartments & Condominiums: NAC 444A.120 and NAC 444A.130 The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is proposing to modify state recycling regulations. The amended regulations are revising the standards for

Hold Justice Thomas Ethically Accountable

Here’s a copy of the letter I sent to Rep. Mark Amodei this morning: One of the bedrock principles of our democracy is that nobody is above the law — not even Supreme Court justices like Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas, among other