Here’s the buzz: American honey bees are disappearing at an alarming rate and the government knows why. Scientists say a pesticide called clothianidin, made by chemical giant Bayer, is strongly linked to the rapid decline in bee populations. When exposed to the
BANKING When Bankers Rule the World David Korten, Op-Ed: “The tell-all defection of Greg Smith, a former Goldman Sachs executive, provided an insider’s view of the moral corruption of the Wall Street banks that control of much of America’s economy and politics. Smith
In this election alone, Romney has raised more than $750,000 from oil and gas special interests. And to keep those monies flowing into his campaign coffers, h’ss pandering to his Big Oil donors and telling them exactly what they want to hear.
Congressman Paul Ryan has finally endorsed Mitt Romney as his preferred candidate for president. Yeah, like we didn’t expect that coming. Thus, it should be no surprise that both Romney and Ryan support the same key budget tenets — massive cuts to
Okay … I went back and pulled out my last summary of version 1.0 of the Ryan “Path to Prosperity” budget and added in the figures he’s proposing in his “version 2.0” of the Path to Prosperity. It’s startling. Before you start
Republicans can carp about Democrats rushing things through Congress, but Republicans are just as guilty if more more guilty of that tactic. This week, Republicans in Congress are set to vote (HCONRES112) to eliminate Medicare as you know it, and use the
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 16, 2012 Contact: HHS Press Office (202) 690-6343 Administration actions saved consumers up to $323 million Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today that consumers will soon begin receiving unprecedented information on the value of their
Tell Congress: Save the post office. This is NO time to close down post offices across rural America and cut 220,000 jobs! We need to save the post office. The Postmaster General wants to close over half of the mail processing centers and
Rep. Patrick Tiberi [R-OH12], on Oct 6, 2011, proposed HR 3123, the American Job Creation and Investment Act of 2011. The title may imply the bill will have some meaningful efforts to promote job creation, but when you read the bill’s description, you’ll quickly learn
For those of you who are disturbed by the extraordinary influence of money being dumped into the election process by special interest groups and other unknown parties, a new tool is now available as a ProPublica project. ProPublica published a new page