Congress, not the post office itself, is the problem by David Morris As every 6 year old learns, there is real and there is make believe. The massive Post Office deficit that is driving its management to commit institutional suicide by
— CMS awards loan to Hospitality Health Co-Op — The Affordable Care Act creates a new type of nonprofit health insurer, called a Consumer Oriented and Operated Plan, or “CO-OP.” CO-OPs are directed by their customers and designed to offer individuals and
By Anne Knowles | 4:04 pm September 2nd, 2011 Updated 4:10 pm September 2nd, 2011 Nevada consumers and small businesses can now review and comment on rate hikes in their health insurance policies online. The Division of Insurance has launched Nevada Health
We’ve issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to ask for input from consumers, industry, and others about prepaid cards and their impact on the market. The prepaid card market is growing rapidly. As this market expands, we want to make sure
This week, the Environmental Protection Agency held public hearings on its recently proposed rule to limit the carbon pollution freely spewed by power plants that is causing catastrophic climate change. Polluters, especially in the coal industry, will made hyperbolic claims that this
“Ladies, put your lipstick on, square your shoulders, and get ready to do battle. This calls for a revolution!” That’s what Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) said on the floor of the Senate during the successful fight to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair
Whoa … some members of the Republican Party may be seeing the light. In a memorandum sent out by Jan van Lohuizen, a pollster for former President George W. Bush suggesting that Republican candidates should shift the way they discuss same-sex marriage. ************************************************************ “BACKGROUND: In
HHS’ New Open Government Plan HHS has released Version 2.0 of the Open Government Plan. The new plan incorporates feedback from the public and guides HHS efforts to be more transparent, participatory, and collaborative. A number of new projects in the plan will improve the
Mitt Romney is already selling tickets to his “Presidential Inaugural retreat.” In case you think I’m kidding, I’ve included the letter from Romney’s campaign to big donors. Yesterday, at a private fundraising event, he said the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Last night, Jon Ralston reported that unelected Senator Dean Heller mislead Nevadans when he said last week on Face to Face that he only voted against taxpayer giveaways to Big Oil because Democrats “always wanted to use them for more stimulus and