Ohio Fracking Wastewater Test Reveals Toxic Mess

— by Beth Buczynski, originally published on Care2 | July 8, 2012 The natural gas industry, and it’s supporting case of puppet politicians, continue to claim that fracking has no negative impact on the environment or local drinking water supplies. There are many incidents of

The ‘Monsanto Rider’: Are Biotech Companies About to Gain Immunity from Federal Law?

— AlterNet / By Alexis Baden-Mayer and Ronnie Cummins — July 6, 2012 The Secretary of Agriculture would be required to grant a permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, regardless of environmental impact. While many Americans were

SNAP is NOT “Wasteful Spending” as the GOP would have you believe

Every five years, Congress passes a bundle of legislation, commonly called the "Farm Bill" that sets national agriculture, nutrition, conservation, and forestry policy. The last Farm Bill was passed in 2008, and expires in 2012. The current iteration of the “farm bill”

Oil Corrupts and It’s All About the Money

DeSmogBlog investigates the controversial decision by Alberta’s government to ignore the threat of rapid industrial expansion in the Alberta Tar Sands region, and instead kill thousands of wolves to appear to be doing something to save dwindling woodland caribou populations. Through interviews

Workers Laid Off During the Rest of 2012 will receive NO Federal Unemployment Benefits

— by Pat Garofalo, Think Progress / News Analysis, 6 July 2012 Jobless Americans are facing a cliff when it comes to their unemployment benefits. As a new report from the National Employment Law Project notes, due to Congress phasing out federal

What Does “Conservative Judicial Activism” Look Like

— by Erin Neff, Executive Director, ProgressNow Nevada The majority on the U.S. Supreme Court continues to stridently put politics above justice as it finishes its radical term this week. Today the court upheld the most controversial aspect of Arizona’s immigration law — the

What’s Covered in the Affordable Care Act?

— BY KAREN Y. The Stew steps through the crap the Right-Wing spews about ObamaCare (The Affordable Care Act) and breaks down what this landmark legislation actually means for average Americans. AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA) OF 2010 Patient Rights and Protections Insurance