What Goes Around Eventually Comes Back Around

Have you noticed that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has gotten a bit quieter about the events in Libya of late?  Wonder why?  Could it be the hypocrisy of the various positions his has taken over the last year that have finally come

Bernie Sanders: The People Have Spoken

As I’m sure you are aware, there is currently a major effort being waged by Wall Street CEOs, Republicans and some Democrats to do deficit reduction on the backs of the middle class and working families. This could mean, among other things,

To Move Forward, We Must Learn from Our Progressive Past

Yesterday’s ideas about curbing the ultra-rich’s power remain just as relevant as ever. By Sam Pizzigati Our contemporary billionaires, most Americans would agree, are exploiting our labor and polluting our politics. Can we shrink our super rich down to a less powerful

A Pension Deficit Disorder

Beware of wealthy CEOs who are lecturing the rest of us about tightening our belts. By Scott Klinger While America’s CEOs are fretting about the government’s so-called "fiscal cliff," millions of American workers face a financial disaster that gets much less media

Don’t Cut Our Kids Out of the Budget

America’s security and prosperity depend on our children’s ability to drive the economy of the future. By Marian Wright Edelman Barack Obama won his re-election fight because Americans who are committed to moving forward turned out in record numbers to vote, especially

2012-11-27: What I’ve Been Reading Today

  Military Women Challenge Combat Exclusion Rule In Lawsuit Against Defense Department Molly O’Toole | HuffPost: A first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, a captain in the Marine Corps Reserves, a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves and a major

2012-11-26: What I’ve Been Reading

Tax Rates For America’s Wealthiest Fell In 2010 Travis Waldron | News Report: Low capital gains rates have helped the wealthy pay lower and lower tax rates even as their incomes have skyrocketed. And while capital gains income makes up almost half

2012-11-25: What I’ve Been Reading

Why Is the Obama FCC Plotting a Massive Giveaway to Rupert Murdoch? Craig Aaron, Op-Ed: “We can still stop this terrible plan from moving forward. The other members of the FCC can dissent and send this thing back to the drawing board.