Yesterday, Nevada Senators Dean Heller and Harry Reid jointly re-introduced the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act of 2012. The two senators formally re-introduced the legislation to ensure its consideration by the Senate in the 113 th Congress. The Lyon County lands bill
“The Pentagon announced an end to the ban on women in combat, finally allowing our military to fully benefit from the talents of women who want to serve and defend our great nation. When we as a nation lift restrictions and allow people
Hello, I am Sen. Mo Denis, majority leader of the Nevada State Senate. I appreciate the opportunity to give the response to Gov. Sandoval’s State of the State speech. On behalf of Speaker (Marilyn) Kirkpatrick and myself, I wish to welcome the
Madam Speaker, Mr. President, distinguished members of the Legislature, honorable justices of the Supreme Court, constitutional officers, Sen. (Dean) Heller, honored guests … My fellow Nevadans: For nearly 150 years, governors before me have stood in front of this body and delivered
Fracking is a dangerous method of oil and gas extraction that contaminates water and puts nearby residents at risk of serious illnesses, including cancer and asthma. And it’s coming to Nevada. As if fracking could get any worse for arid Nevada, each
Most of us were thrilled to see the end of the 112th Congress come to pass and the end to all the onerous bills that were proposed during that session. It would seem, however, that a number of members of the GOP’s
If you are interested in watching tomorrow’s symposium but unable to attend in person, UNLV TV will live stream the meeting beginning at noon tomorrow. Access the stream at Supplemental materials from this meeting, as well as additional material on SB 63,
— by Connect the Dots USA on Facebook Instead of attacking struggling seniors, veterans, children and the working poor by slowing the inflation growth rate of an average $1,200/month Social Security check, shifting more healthcare costs to 65 and 66-year-olds and their employers, or slashing
The NRA’s antics could hinder global efforts to reduce weapons sales to terrorists and regimes that abuse human rights. — by Don Kraus Does NRA stand for “No Rational Argument”? In response to the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the
The energy industry and Big Agribusiness are distorting academic research by wielding corporate influence. — by Wenonah Hauter In 1862, the federal government created the land-grant university system to produce critical agricultural research. Since then, America has relied on these schools to