Heritage’s Fatally Flawed Study Doubles Down on Romney’s 47 Percent

By Marshall Fitz, Philip Wolgin, and Patrick Oakford Even though the 2012 presidential election put an end to Mitt Romney’s idea that 47 percent of Americans were moochers “who are dependent upon government,” the Heritage Foundation on Monday doubled down on that thinking, releasing

National and State-by-State Economic Benefits of Immigration Reform

By Robert Lynch and Patrick Oakford On April 16, 2013, the Senate’s “Gang of 8”—a bipartisan group of eight U.S. senators—filed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. At the core of the bill is a provision that

Pay Attention Folks — It Was the GOP that Demanded AP be Investigated!

— by Vickie Rock, NV Rural Democratic Caucus, 2013-05-14 Have you been paying attention?  The GOP doesn’t think so and they’re trying to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes with this “AP phone records” announcement, as though their fingerprints weren’t anywhere near

It’s National Women’s Health Week, So Naturally, the GOP is Voting Yet Again to Repeal Obamacare!

— by Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary–Dept. of Health & Human Services This week, starting with Mother’s Day,  we celebrate National Women’s Health Week. As a nation, we honor the women in our lives – our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends, and colleagues

Advocacy: Please Urge Your NV Assemblyperson to Support Marriage Equality

We need you to act right now and send a message to your Nevada Assemblyperson urging them to support legislation that would begin the multi-year process to repeal the state’s ban on same-sex marriage and allow all couples in Nevada the right

Heritage vs. Heritage: Major Immigration Report Released Today Directly Contradicts Its 2006 Study

— by Igor Volsky  On Monday, the Heritage Foundation published a widely panned study arguing that comprehensive immigration reform that allows undocumented immigrants to earn citizenship would cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion, as the population will take advantage of an array of government programs, including, Social Security,

“Over the Line”: US Agents Killing Innocent Mexicans Across the Border w/Impunity

A joint investigation by the Washington Monthly and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute has found over the past five years U.S. border agents have shot across the border at least 10 times, killing a total of six Mexicans on Mexican

Gun Control. Whoop Dee Doo!

When John Oliver went to Australia to confront the charlatans claiming to have effectively regulated guns, he quickly discovered that maybe some of the arguments from American anti-gun-control groups were flawed. All the arguments, to be more specific. Skip to 3:58 for my favorite logical extension

SB192: They Hope You Don’t Care About Reproductive Freedom

A few legislators want to weaken Nevada’s strong laws protecting reproductive freedom, and they’re doing it by claiming they’re protecting religion. The Religious Freedom Preservation bill (Senate Bill 192), which passed in the Senate and is now in the Assembly, would allow