To the IRS—Citizen, Documented or Undocumented—We’re All the Same

CNS NEWS – The question of whether to legalize illegal aliens and put them on a pathway to citizenship may be the most controversial legislative issue facing the U.S. Congress this year. But, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration

A ‘No Excuse’ Approach to Education Everyone Can Support

by Jeff Bryant “No excuse” has been a mantra from people who present themselves as advocates for “reforming” America’s public schools. And the term is a “pillar” of more than one popular charter school franchise. The term originated from the belief that “the

In ‘Chilling’ Ruling, Chevron Granted Access to Activists’ Private Internet Data

"Sweeping" subpoena violates rights of those who spoke out against oil giant’s devastating actions in Ecuador – Lauren McCauley, staff writer Following their guilty sentence for the dumping of 18.5bn gallons of toxic waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Chevron is amassing the

Fair Elections — RIP

The Supreme Court’s Shelby ruling aids a Republican plan to win more elections without winning support from more voters. — by Emily Schwartz Greco and William A. Collins Voting rights are under attack again — this time it’s the Supreme Court’s turn.

Giving a Big Story the Cold Shoulder

TV news coverage of climate change is spotty and misleading. By Don Kraus It’s summer — time for barbecues, family vacations, and July 4th fireworks. Unfortunately, summer has also become a time for wildfires, drought, triple-digit heat waves, catastrophic storms, and other

Yet Another Reason Why Employers Should NOT Have Control of OUR Health Care Insurance

Conservative Court Says Religious Employers Can Deny Their Workers Birth Control — by Ian Millhiser on Jun 28, 2013 at 9:58 am An eight-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit struck a major blow against Obama

HHS Launches Health Insurance Marketplace Educational Tools

The Obama administration today kicked off the Health Insurance Marketplace education effort with a new, consumer-focused website and the 24-hours-a-day consumer call center to help Americans prepare for open enrollment and ultimately sign up for private health insurance.  The new tools will help