Americans for Prosperity have begun running “scare” ads to convince people to take action against their own interests. Their goal to lie about what Obamacare does or doesn’t offer in an attempt to get them to support #GOP plan to gut healthcare
Remove Rep. Steve King from his seat on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Border Security now. His hateful characterization of immigrants as criminal drug smugglers and his continued extremism don’t reflect the views of a majority of Americans —
THAT DAY WHEN THE NORTH POLE BECAME A LAKE… Climate change is happening now. In July 2013, a lake formed at the North Pole due to unprecedented melting Arctic sea ice. And yet, at least 127 members of Congress still refuse to
The surge in fracked gas is headed for export and won’t boost the nation’s energy independence. — by Jim Hightower Big Oil’s frackers are wrapping their shameless profiteering in our flag. In shale fields across the country, you’ll see fracking rigs festooned
Fracking might be profitable, but whether it’s good for anything else is doubtful. — by Jill Richardson Jacki Schilke was suffering from symptoms ranging from rashes, pain, and lightheadedness to dental problems and urinating blood. The formerly healthy, 53-year-old cattle rancher’s body
Congress shouldn’t have passed the measure that gives the president wide military powers to pursue al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the first place and 12 years later a repeal is long overdue. — by Phyllis Bennis Two days after the horrific attacks
A new Pentagon document indicates that contingent plans for the use of nuclear weapons are being made, with the self-evidently impossible task of minimizing collateral damage. — by Peter Weiss Soon after President Barack Obama began his first term, he called for
Midwest farmers douse their fields in chemicals as insects grow resistant to Bt Corn – Sarah Lazare, staff writer Pesticides Poured on Illinois Cornfield (Photo: Fig and Sage) Pesticide use is skyrocketing across the Midwestern U.S. corn belt, as biotech companies like
Draft legislative language released by the House Social Security Subcommittee last night would cut benefits for millions of middle-class and poor Americans still struggling in this economy by adopting a new formula to calculate cost of living adjustments. Read more about the
By Tara Culp-Ressler on Jul 12, 2013 at 4:08 pm On Friday afternoon, the Texas Senate will vote on a package of abortion restrictions that Republican lawmakers have been attempting to push through a special session. After State Sen. Wendy Davis (D-TX)