—Don Rogers, Jack Rabbit Ranch blog Well, I can see it’s going to be a bad six weeks. I just heard a paid TV advertisement for people to call their Congressman and urge him to oppose funding Obamacare, because the President is exempt. I
The month of August is a time when Congress is in recess and members are supposed to be back in their home districts meeting with constituents. While other Representatives have been holding townhall meetings throughout their district, Amodei’s main priority has been
Please make a call to Representative Mark Amodei and ask him to say he would support a discharge petition that would allow an up-or-down vote on a meaningful immigration reform bill with a viable pathway to citizenship for millions of aspiring Americans.
Vickie Rock @Rockblot Unemployed? Willing to work a temp job helping folks enroll in the new Healthcare Exchanges? Apply here: http://ramirezgroup.com/enrollment-assister-employment-application/ Related Information: Nevada Employer’s Guide to the Affordable Care Act How the Affordable Care Act Helps Nevada Families – Families USA What does Affordable Care Act mean to you? |
President Obama took Wednesday morning to answer your questions on housing during an online interview, and it’s worth a watch. It’s part of his push for a more secure foundation for middle-class home ownership. We want to make sure you’ve got the
Just for reference sake, Humboldt County, NV is currently classified as ‘D3 Drought – Extreme’ and the USDA has designated Elko County as a primary natural disaster area due to damages and losses caused by drought, yet Governor Sandoval is considering green-lighting
— by Megan Slack, August 01, 2013 America has always been a nation of immigrants, and throughout the nation’s history, immigrants from around the globe have kept our workforce vibrant, our businesses on the cutting edge, and helped to build the greatest
The federal government supports more U.S. low wage jobs than McDonald’s and Walmart put together. By Martha Burk McDonald’s really stepped in it this summer when the fast food empire created a budget for its underpaid employees to help them make ends
Gee, I’ll bet you thought that when Romney lost the election, his philosophies died along with the end of that race. You might also have hoped that the GOP might have learned that a clear majority of Americans didn’t care for their