Support for Our Troops That Falls Short of the Mark

Former Vice President Dick Cheney took to Fox News on Monday night to lambaste the Obama administration’s proposed cuts to the military budget, lamenting the president’s desire to ensure that Americans have access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food

Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace increased by 53% in January

Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace continued to rise in January, with a 53% increase in overall enrollment over the prior three month reporting period, with young adult enrollment outpacing all other age groups combined, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today. Nearly

Udall, Heller Introduce Bill to Improve Health Care for Rural Veterans

Rural Veterans Improvement Act would improve access to care by expanding transportation options, recruiting and retaining doctors, and prioritizing improvements at rural clinics Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Dean Heller (R-NV) introduced a bill to address some of the biggest

Advocacy: Tell Congress to Strengthen National Ocean Fish Law, Not Break It

A major threat to our nation’s fishing stocks is growing as Congress begins the process of reauthorizing the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act. This Act, the principal law governing U.S. fishery management, has helped 34 fish populations recover from overfishing since

The GOP’s Unaffordable WeDon’tCare Act

The GOP’s belated solution to the nation’s health insurance challenges just makes working families pay more. — by Emily Schwartz Greco Remember when it looked like the Republican Party could do nothing but stamp its feet and shout about the Affordable Care

Dear Secretary John Kerry

As someone concerned with climate change, I want to thank you for your years of climate leadership as a Senator. As Secretary of State, you have the opportunity to have an even greater impact on combating climate change. One of the main

POPVOX’s Countdown of the Top Bills in 2013

I frequently use POPVOX to explore information about a bill — what’s in the text of a bill, who introduced it, what other’s are saying about, who those others are (individuals and corporations/organizations) — and to write a letter of opposition or

Under-Insured and Incompetent—Company Behind West Virginia’s Chemical Spill Files For Bankruptcy

BY JEFF SPROSS CREDIT: AP PHOTO/TYLER EVERT According to the Charleston Gazette, Freedom Industries filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today. On January 10, a tank owned by Freedom spilled 7,500 gallons of 4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol (MCHM) — a chemical used to wash coal