Consumers Have Saved a Total of $9B on Medical Premiums

Health care law will return to families an average refund of $80 each this year Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today that consumers have saved a total of $9 billion on their health insurance premiums since 2011 as

Sen Heller Betrays NV’s Women; Votes to Filibuster Hobby Lobby Fix

When the Supreme Court made the terrible decision to allow corporations like Hobby Lobby to discriminate against women, members of Congress were ready to fight back to defend women’s access to birth control. Senators Murray, Udall and Boxer quickly introduced a bill

#ItsNotUpToThem Week

— Roberta Lange, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair A few weeks ago, the United States Supreme Court issued a backwards ruling that allows for-profit corporate CEOs to make medical decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor.  That’s right –

Corporate Rights Trump Women’s Health in Hobby Lobby Ruling

‘This ruling goes out of its way to declare that discrimination against women isn’t discrimination.’ – Lauren McCauley, staff writer at Common Dreams Defenders of women’s health and reproductive freedom are reacting with anger to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Monday

If This is What it Means to be “Conservative” — I’m Proudly a Bleeding Heart Liberal

Clearly, members of the GOP in the House are all about looking for ways to handicap ANY organization tasked with performing regulatory actions that might impede their ideological plans for the future of the United States of Republica.  A case in point

Information Is Powerful Medicine: Understanding Your HIPAA Rights

— by Leon Rodriguez, Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services In December 2013, the Departments of  Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury jointly issued mental health and substance abuse parity rules that, along with the Affordable Care Act, expand mental health and

Here’s Why The Carbon Regulations EPA Announced Monday Are So Important

— by Jeff Spross   On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency will release a first-ever set of regulations to cut carbon dioxide emissions from the country’s existing fleet of power plants. The agency recently issued similar rules for new power plants, which

An Anti-Shackling Wake-Up Call

— By Heather Schultz Female incarceration rates are growing twice as fast as male incarceration rates and the prison system remains decades behind on women’s reproductive rights. The majority of states do not protect incarcerated women against shackling procedures, where they are