The Stakes in THIS Election Could NOT be Higher!

  The Federal budget deficit may be down, but because of all the various deficits, the debt has continued to rise under President Obama but at a much lesser rate. Evidence continues to show that the Great Recession, President Bush’s tax cuts, and

Free Flu Shots Available October 29

Free flu shots will be available at a walk-in clinic that will be set up at the West Hall of the Convention Center on Wednesday, October 29th. The clinic is being provided by the NV Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH).


What We All Can Do To Give Women And Families A Fair Shot At Getting Ahead — by CAP Action War Room Fifty years ago, most families were able to pay their bills, save for their children’s education and plan for their

The Jobs Report

Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a report called the “Employment Situation.” It’s what tells us how many jobs were created in the past month, and what the unemployment rate is. This month’s report is in, and the numbers

Ditch the Myth

Let’s get serious about protecting clean water This post addresses concerns and misconceptions about the proposal by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect clean water. The proposed rule clarifies protection under the Clean Water


How Gun Violence Affects Women and Four Policy Solutions to Better Protect Them Weak gun laws at the federal and state levels leave far too many women facing a fatal end to domestic abuse. — by Arkadi Gerney and Chelsea Parsons  from

4.683 Million Unanswered Questions in Halbig

Appeals will continue, but let’s take the Halbig decision at face value. How much will this decision cost the working poor? The amount varies with income and other variables, but for a 40 year old individual making $30,000 a year, the tax credit was

Paul Ryan Envisions New, State-Based Castigation Opportunities

Rep. Paul Ryan has released yet another “plan” to fix poverty and the Safety Net.  He’s release a new discussion draft, “Expanding Opportunity in America.” This latest draft proposes a new “pilot project” which he asserts will strengthen the safety net.  He also

A Way Forward on Child Refugees

From left, Raul Amador Sanchez, 7, from Georgia, Alexandra Diaz, 9, and her brother Andy Diaz, 7, both from Baltimore, Maryland, hold up signs as they join their parents during a news conference of immigrant families and children’s advocates responding to President