Fueling Corporate Welfare

Giving oil and gas companies royalty-free fuel is a huge waste of taxpayer and finite public resources. But, worst of all, we get nothing but the creation of perennial corporate parasites. —by Ryan Alexander Getting something for nothing is a pretty sweet deal —

Republican Revisionist Propaganda, oops, I Mean History

According to Republican leadership, “No other president in history has used Executive powers to change immigration policy.” Really? NO other President in history?  Do they own a history book? Can they read?  Senator Barbara Boxer can, and she put out this tidy little

The Marketplace is now OPEN

If you signed up for Marketplace insurance last time – we encourage you to come back, update your application, compare your plans, choose the option that makes the most sense for your financial and health needs and enroll. The deadline to complete these

Health Insurance Marketplace Opens Tomorrow

Consumers  and Small Business Owners can sign up for health plans for the first time, renew or change their plans for 2015 on HealthCare.gov [or https://www.nevadahealthlink.com/ in Nevada]; more plans are available this year Starting tomorrow, consumers can sign up for 2015 health

Please Note: Democratic Candidates May Have Lost, But Progressive Issues Won

— by David Morris (reposted from CommonDreams) On November 4th Democrats lost big when they ran a candidate but won big when they ran an issue. In 42 states about 150 initiatives were on the ballot. The vast majority did not address

Your Server Isn’t on the Menu

For women who make their living off tips, sexual harassment is a constant workplace peril. By Marjorie E. Wood At a popular sit-down restaurant in Independence, Missouri, Allison waits tables for $3.60 an hour — the going rate for servers at her

Can You Hear Us Now?

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is refusing to participate in any public hearings on Net Neutrality. By Mary Alice Crim and Candace Clement On a recent Monday night in Brooklyn, five empty chairs stood on stage — one for each member of the

Economics As If Future Generations Mattered

Creating a commons ethic for ecological restoration and social justice by Carolyn Raffensperger, Kaitlin Butler What are the principles needed to guarantee that we are fair to future generations? We have turned a corner on climate change— a wrong turn– and it is happening more