After Years of Backroom Secrecy, Public Will Finally Get to See Full TPP Text

Legislative clock starts ticking as Obama administration prepares to release text of pro-corporate trade deal — by Deirdre Fulton, Common Dreams staff writer After being shrouded in secrecy for years, the full contents of the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will soon be

New Report Outlines How To Stop Prescription Drug Prices From Skyrocketing

— by CAP Action War Room Almost half of all Americans, and 90 percent of all seniors, take a prescribed drug every month. Meanwhile, U.S. spending on prescription drugs increased 13 percent last year to a record $374 billion. Prescription drugs save

Is O’Malley an Environmental Champion?

The former Maryland governor’s record is inconsistently green, at best. — by Alissa Weinman Commanding the backing of only 2 percent of Democrats in national polls, Martin O’Malley isn’t exactly a big contender in his quest to become the party’s presidential nominee.

American’s Health-Care System Endangers Mothers’ Lives

Maternal mortality is a domestic human rights crisis that kills hundreds of American women every year. — by Jennie Joseph Here in my tiny outreach maternity clinic on the west side of Orlando, we achieved in 12 months something that the U.S.

Health Care Isn’t a Bargaining Chip

Women should be free to make their own health decisions no matter what they earn or where they live.  — by Congresswoman Barbara Lee Conservatives and progressives don’t agree on much these days. Regardless of their party leanings, though, a clear majority

Jeb’s New Tax Plan: Another Bush Family Favor To The Wealthy Few

Well, now we know what Jeb means by “Right to Rise” … might it refer to deficits and debt? — by CAP Action War Room New Analysis Of Jeb’s Tax Plan Details Massive Tax Giveaways To Wealthiest Americans Yesterday, former Florida Governor

If You’re Going to Rant About the Federal Budget—Tell the Truth

Before you start believing the drivel Republicans are spreading about rising deficits, maybe you need to understand the difference between two terms that are frequently used in error: overall National Debt and the Federal Budget Deficit.  Republicans are counting on 93% of the

6 Things Every American Should Know About the Clean Power Plan

By EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Today, President Obama will unveil the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan—a historic step to cut the carbon pollution driving climate change. Here are six key things every American should know: IT SLASHES THE CARBON