In Their Honor

May 23, 2014 | By CAP Action War Room Progressive Policies For Veterans This Memorial Day Memorial Day is a time for relaxation, but also for reflection and remembrance. The day is first and foremost about honoring American service members who are

POPVOX’s Countdown of the Top Bills in 2013

I frequently use POPVOX to explore information about a bill — what’s in the text of a bill, who introduced it, what other’s are saying about, who those others are (individuals and corporations/organizations) — and to write a letter of opposition or

Oklahoma Woman Tells GOP Lawmakers: Without Obamacare, ‘I Will Be Dead Before My 27th Birthday’

BY TARA CULP-RESSLER ON OCTOBER 7, 2013 26-year-old Kendall Brown [CREDIT: COURTESY OF KENDALL BROWN] As the deadline approached for Congress to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, Republicans refused to strike a deal unless it defunded or delayed Obamacare.

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

By the incomparable John Green, who says the following about his sources: “For a much more thorough examination of health care expenses in America, I recommend this series at The Incidental Economist and The Commonwealth Fund’s Study of Health Care Prices in the U.S. Some of the

How the Health Care Law is Making a Difference for Nevadans

Because of the Affordable Care Act, the 78% of Nevadans who have insurance have more choices and stronger coverage than ever before. And for the 22% of Nevadans who don’t have insurance, or Nevada families and small businesses who buy their coverage

The Truth about Obamacare

—Don Rogers, Jack Rabbit Ranch blog Well, I can see it’s going to be a bad six weeks. I just heard a paid TV advertisement for people to call their Congressman and urge him to oppose funding Obamacare, because the President is exempt. I

It’s National Women’s Health Week, So Naturally, the GOP is Voting Yet Again to Repeal Obamacare!

— by Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary–Dept. of Health & Human Services This week, starting with Mother’s Day,  we celebrate National Women’s Health Week. As a nation, we honor the women in our lives – our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends, and colleagues

Yes Indeedee, It’s Confirmed: GOP ‘IS’ Out of Touch

GOP Report Shows Party is Out of Touch With Americans on Threats to Democracy: Money in Politics and Voter Suppression The Republican National Committee released a report on Monday reviewing its losses in the 2012 election cycle and laying out a roadmap

Will ‘Compromise’ Mean Sacrificing Our Social Safety Net?

— by Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under President Bill Clinton Disturbing reports that the White House is already caving on Social Security and Medicare — telling Republicans it’s willing to cut yearly inflation adjustments to Social Security (thereby stranding seniors who

Latest GOP Budget Marks Latest Attack on Women

Budgets are statements of values and priorities. Based on the GOP’s latest budget, apparently the interests of women are not a priority. Here’s a look at how the GOP budget is bad for women and children. Here’s a link to a comparison of the numbers