Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace increased by 53% in January

Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace continued to rise in January, with a 53% increase in overall enrollment over the prior three month reporting period, with young adult enrollment outpacing all other age groups combined, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today. Nearly

Nearly 2.2 million Americans selected plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace from October through December

Thirty percent of those who selected plans were under age 35 Nearly 2.2 million people have selected plans from the state and federal marketplaces by Dec. 28, 2013 (the end of third reporting period for open enrollment), Health and Human Services Secretary

Five Years in — GOP Still Has NO Plan

Five years after Obama’s first election, the GOP has absolutely NO comprehensive health care reform plan other than “hurry up and die” or “good luck not going bankrupt over healthcare costs.”  Instead of embracing the Affordable Care Act, they prefer to return

By The Numbers: the First Reporting Period of Open Enrollment

By Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services Today we released our most detailed report to date about the results of the first reporting period of open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace. The numbers show that interest in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Daniel’s Story: Finding Affordable Coverage for $70 a Month

By Salim Zymet, Digital Advisor, Department of Health and Human Services Enrolling just a day after the Health Insurance Marketplace opened, Daniel, a 22 year old from Orlando, Florida, is one of the millions of Americans eligible for affordable health coverage through

Health Insurance Exchanges 101: The Affordable Care Act Explained

Healthline.com recently finished a video titled “Health Insurance Exchanges 101: The Affordable Care Act Explained” that serves as an easy-to-understand resource for consumers.  I’ve added it here for easy viewing: They also have other resources and articles on their healthline.com webpage that might interest you.

Oklahoma Woman Tells GOP Lawmakers: Without Obamacare, ‘I Will Be Dead Before My 27th Birthday’

BY TARA CULP-RESSLER ON OCTOBER 7, 2013 26-year-old Kendall Brown [CREDIT: COURTESY OF KENDALL BROWN] As the deadline approached for Congress to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, Republicans refused to strike a deal unless it defunded or delayed Obamacare.

39 Days left in this Congressional Session

On Aug. 31, the President sent Congress draft legislation that would authorize use of the US military “in connection with the conflict in Syria.” In the past week, more than 2,700 POPVOX users weighed in on the President’s proposal — overwhelmingly in opposition — and

How the Health Care Law is Making a Difference for Nevadans

Because of the Affordable Care Act, the 78% of Nevadans who have insurance have more choices and stronger coverage than ever before. And for the 22% of Nevadans who don’t have insurance, or Nevada families and small businesses who buy their coverage