So much of Monsanto’s poison was spread in the past decade that weeds naturally developed a resistance to it. By Jim Hightower Rather than find ways to cooperate with the natural world, America’s agribusiness giants reach for the next quick fix in
CONTEXT: The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII), is seeking individuals to serve as peer reviewers for the FY 2012 Promise Neighborhoods planning and implementation grant competitions. Promise Neighborhoods is a competitive grant program that supports cradle-to-career services
On 4/5/2012 I wrote to Rep. Mark Amodei in opposition laying out my reasoning why he should OPPOSE passage of H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012: Dear Rep. Mark Amodei: I OPPOSE PASSAGE of H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act
BANKING When Bankers Rule the World David Korten, Op-Ed: “The tell-all defection of Greg Smith, a former Goldman Sachs executive, provided an insider’s view of the moral corruption of the Wall Street banks that control of much of America’s economy and politics. Smith
Congressman Paul Ryan has finally endorsed Mitt Romney as his preferred candidate for president. Yeah, like we didn’t expect that coming. Thus, it should be no surprise that both Romney and Ryan support the same key budget tenets — massive cuts to
See the following information on free college opportunities for minority students. Wake Forest University has an opportunity for minority students to attend its MBA program for FREE, and so far, the response has been very poor. Please pass along this opportunity to
The tea party may claim they’re against ‘big government’ and ‘regulation’ in any form, but it’s clear they weren’t any type of driving force in stopping the food safety bill. Yesterday, 11/30/2010, the Senate finally passed the Food Safety Enhancement Act (S.
Fence-sitting Republicans are finally beginning to announce their intention to vote against confirmation of Judge Sotomayor when her nomination comes up for a vote in the Senate. Judge Sotomayor is a restrained and moderate jurist who was put on the bench initially by