2012-11-26: What I’ve Been Reading

Tax Rates For America’s Wealthiest Fell In 2010 Travis Waldron | News Report: Low capital gains rates have helped the wealthy pay lower and lower tax rates even as their incomes have skyrocketed. And while capital gains income makes up almost half

2012-11-25: What I’ve Been Reading

Why Is the Obama FCC Plotting a Massive Giveaway to Rupert Murdoch? Craig Aaron, Op-Ed: “We can still stop this terrible plan from moving forward. The other members of the FCC can dissent and send this thing back to the drawing board.

Briefs Filed to Stop Monsanto’s Patent Infringement War against Family Farmers

— Reposted with permission from EcoWatch.org. Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association Eleven prominent law professors and 14 renowned organic, Biodynamic, food safety and consumer nonprofit organizations have filed separate briefs with the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit arguing farmers have the

Berkley Supports Minimum Wage Increase

Released: July 17, 2012 Contact: Xochitl Hinojosa 702-675-6722 or 702-483-1826 Colin Milligan 702-675-6711 or 702-582-9643 SHELLEY BERKLEY CONTINUES FIGHTING FOR NEVADA MIDDLE-CLASS BY SUPPORTING MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE Earlier Today, Shelley Was Proud To Become Original Co-Sponsor On Minimum Wage Bill For Nevada Middle-Class Families; Effort Will Help Families Put

The ‘Monsanto Rider’: Are Biotech Companies About to Gain Immunity from Federal Law?

— AlterNet / By Alexis Baden-Mayer and Ronnie Cummins — July 6, 2012 The Secretary of Agriculture would be required to grant a permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, regardless of environmental impact. While many Americans were

SNAP is NOT “Wasteful Spending” as the GOP would have you believe

Every five years, Congress passes a bundle of legislation, commonly called the "Farm Bill" that sets national agriculture, nutrition, conservation, and forestry policy. The last Farm Bill was passed in 2008, and expires in 2012. The current iteration of the “farm bill”

Oil Corrupts and It’s All About the Money

DeSmogBlog investigates the controversial decision by Alberta’s government to ignore the threat of rapid industrial expansion in the Alberta Tar Sands region, and instead kill thousands of wolves to appear to be doing something to save dwindling woodland caribou populations. Through interviews