Oversight Cmtee Transcript Reveals Darrell Issa Unethically Lied to the American Public

Manager Denies Republican Claims of White House Involvement or Political Motivation Washington, DC (June 18, 2013)—Today, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, released to Members of Congress and the American public the full

A License to Kill

Without environmental regulations, many companies would gladly poison you to earn bigger profits. By David Reingold Regulations stink, right? Lots of politicians run on promises that they’ll get rid of them to make way for an economic boom. Well, have you ever considered

National and State-by-State Economic Benefits of Immigration Reform

By Robert Lynch and Patrick Oakford On April 16, 2013, the Senate’s “Gang of 8”—a bipartisan group of eight U.S. senators—filed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. At the core of the bill is a provision that

Bill Maher Exposes IRS Forms for Tea Party Members

On Friday night’s episode of “Real Time,” Maher admitted that he’s quite convinced that the IRS was unfairly scrutinizing Tea Party members — and he has the tax forms to prove it. While Maher pokes fun at the GOP’s current scandalmongering, it’s

President Obama Nominates Four Distinguished Women to Serve as Federal Judges

— by Chris Kang, Senior Counsel to the President, May 17, 2013 Yesterday, President Obama demonstrated his continued commitment to increasing the diversity of our federal judiciary, so that it better reflects the nation it serves. He nominated four distinguished women to serve on

Pay Attention Folks — It Was the GOP that Demanded AP be Investigated!

— by Vickie Rock, NV Rural Democratic Caucus, 2013-05-14 Have you been paying attention?  The GOP doesn’t think so and they’re trying to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes with this “AP phone records” announcement, as though their fingerprints weren’t anywhere near

Benghazi Review Board Chair Says Notion Of Cover Up Is ‘Pulitzer Prize Fiction’

— by Ben Armbruster The co-chair of the State Department’s Accountability Review Board on the Benghazi terror attacks last year said on Wednesday criticized those claiming the Obama administration’s response to the attacks has the elements of some kind of Watergate-style cover-up.“I think

“Over the Line”: US Agents Killing Innocent Mexicans Across the Border w/Impunity

A joint investigation by the Washington Monthly and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute has found over the past five years U.S. border agents have shot across the border at least 10 times, killing a total of six Mexicans on Mexican