Martha Stewart allegedly uses insider information to prevent a stock loss of around $46,000 – and goes to jail. U.S. prosecutors indict billionaire Steven Cohen’s hedge fund, that would be “the corporation,” for insider trading, but file absolutely NO charges against CEO
In my email today from Drew Courtney, Director of Communications at PFAW, was the following: One item that didn’t get the attention it deserved during the hearings of DC Circuit nominee Nina Pillard today is her role leading Georgetown University Law Center’s
The surge in fracked gas is headed for export and won’t boost the nation’s energy independence. — by Jim Hightower Big Oil’s frackers are wrapping their shameless profiteering in our flag. In shale fields across the country, you’ll see fracking rigs festooned
Fracking might be profitable, but whether it’s good for anything else is doubtful. — by Jill Richardson Jacki Schilke was suffering from symptoms ranging from rashes, pain, and lightheadedness to dental problems and urinating blood. The formerly healthy, 53-year-old cattle rancher’s body
Congress shouldn’t have passed the measure that gives the president wide military powers to pursue al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the first place and 12 years later a repeal is long overdue. — by Phyllis Bennis Two days after the horrific attacks
A new Pentagon document indicates that contingent plans for the use of nuclear weapons are being made, with the self-evidently impossible task of minimizing collateral damage. — by Peter Weiss Soon after President Barack Obama began his first term, he called for
Midwest farmers douse their fields in chemicals as insects grow resistant to Bt Corn – Sarah Lazare, staff writer Pesticides Poured on Illinois Cornfield (Photo: Fig and Sage) Pesticide use is skyrocketing across the Midwestern U.S. corn belt, as biotech companies like
— by Norman Solomon For more than a month, outrage has been profuse in response to news about NSA surveillance and other evidence that all three branches of the U.S. government are turning Uncle Sam into Big Brother. Now what? Continuing to
CNS NEWS – The question of whether to legalize illegal aliens and put them on a pathway to citizenship may be the most controversial legislative issue facing the U.S. Congress this year. But, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
By Ian Millhiser On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) took the first step to invoking the so-called “nuclear option,” a Senate procedure that will allow a majority of the Senate to effectively change its rules to limit widespread obstructionism by