39 Days left in this Congressional Session

On Aug. 31, the President sent Congress draft legislation that would authorize use of the US military “in connection with the conflict in Syria.” In the past week, more than 2,700 POPVOX users weighed in on the President’s proposal — overwhelmingly in opposition — and

Over One Million Voices Signed On to Protect Our Public Lands

— by David Turnbull, Oil Change International Our public lands are our lands, held and maintained by the Government in trust for the public at large, not the goliath corporations. And in support of that premise, over the last few weeks, we’ve

HHS announces first guidance implementing Supreme Court’s decision on the Defense of Marriage Act

Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a memo clarifying that all beneficiaries in private Medicare plans have access to equal coverage when it comes to care in a nursing home where their spouse lives.  This is the first

Govt Assessment of Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons—August 21, 2013

The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013. We further assess that the regime used a nerve agent in the attack. These all-source assessments

Same-Sex Married Couples Finally Get Some Certainty

Treasury and IRS Announce That All Legal Same-Sex Marriages Will Be Recognized For Federal Tax Purposes; Ruling Provides Certainty, Benefits and Protections Under Federal Tax Law for Same-Sex Married Couples IR-2013-72, Aug. 29, 2013 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of the Treasury

The President’s Housing Plan–What You Need to Know

President Obama took Wednesday morning to answer your questions on housing during an online interview, and it’s worth a watch. It’s part of his push for a more secure foundation for middle-class home ownership. We want to make sure you’ve got the

Drought-Stricken New Mexico Farmers Drain Aquifer To Sell Water For Fracking

Just for reference sake, Humboldt County, NV is currently classified as ‘D3 Drought – Extreme’ and the USDA has designated Elko County as a primary natural disaster area due to damages and losses caused by drought, yet Governor Sandoval is considering green-lighting

Learning Deficit? — GOP: “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”

Gee, I’ll bet you thought that when Romney lost the election, his philosophies died along with the end of that race. You might also have hoped that the GOP might have learned that a clear majority of Americans didn’t care for their

Finally, a Republican Who Makes Sense—Sensenbrenner

Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder asked a Federal court in the state of Texas to subject the State of Texas to pre-clearance under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.  While the US Supreme Court may have struck down Section 4 of