Press Release re: ACA and 2014 Tax Season

Statements by Secretary Lew and Secretary Burwell on preparing for the upcoming tax season In preparation for the 2015 tax filing season, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury Department are putting in place resources to provide tax

The US and Cuba

— by President Barack Obama, White House Yesterday, after more than 50 years, we began to change America’s relationship with the people of Cuba. We are recognizing the struggle and sacrifice of the Cuban people, both in the U.S. and in Cuba, and

One Strike and You’re Out

How We Can Eliminate Barriers to Economic Security and Mobility for People with Criminal Records — By Rebecca Vallas and Sharon Dietrich Between 70 million and 100 million Americans—or as many as one in three—have a criminal record. Many have only minor offenses,

And Just Exactly HOW Retroactive Would That Be?

Today, the House voted on immigration. But it wasn’t on an effort to reform our broken system, or on the bipartisan bill the Senate passed more than 500 days ago.  Nope. Instead, House leaders held a vote t​hat would make our broken

Fueling Corporate Welfare

Giving oil and gas companies royalty-free fuel is a huge waste of taxpayer and finite public resources. But, worst of all, we get nothing but the creation of perennial corporate parasites. —by Ryan Alexander Getting something for nothing is a pretty sweet deal —

An Overdue Fix to Overtime

Businesses are blurring the distinction between hourly and salaried employees in order to bolster their bottom-line profits. — by Richard Kirsch There are a lot of ways that businesses are squeezing worker pay. Here’s a big one. On the one hand, millions

The President Just Announced This —

Our immigration system has been broken for decades. And every day we wait to act, millions of undocumented immigrants are living in the shadows: Those who want to pay taxes and play by the same rules as everyone else have no way

Republican Revisionist Propaganda, oops, I Mean History

According to Republican leadership, “No other president in history has used Executive powers to change immigration policy.” Really? NO other President in history?  Do they own a history book? Can they read?  Senator Barbara Boxer can, and she put out this tidy little

“Noble” Bill Is Nothing But Another RW Attempt to Hobble the EPA

If you can say anything about activities in the U.S. House during the 2014 lame duck session, it would begin with the word “Hobbling.”  First up in the house was HR1422, a bill to stuff “for profit” industry experts on the “scientific”