Heritage’s Fatally Flawed Study Doubles Down on Romney’s 47 Percent

By Marshall Fitz, Philip Wolgin, and Patrick Oakford Even though the 2012 presidential election put an end to Mitt Romney’s idea that 47 percent of Americans were moochers “who are dependent upon government,” the Heritage Foundation on Monday doubled down on that thinking, releasing

Pay Attention Folks — It Was the GOP that Demanded AP be Investigated!

— by Vickie Rock, NV Rural Democratic Caucus, 2013-05-14 Have you been paying attention?  The GOP doesn’t think so and they’re trying to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes with this “AP phone records” announcement, as though their fingerprints weren’t anywhere near

Benghazi Review Board Chair Says Notion Of Cover Up Is ‘Pulitzer Prize Fiction’

— by Ben Armbruster The co-chair of the State Department’s Accountability Review Board on the Benghazi terror attacks last year said on Wednesday criticized those claiming the Obama administration’s response to the attacks has the elements of some kind of Watergate-style cover-up.“I think

Heritage vs. Heritage: Major Immigration Report Released Today Directly Contradicts Its 2006 Study

— by Igor Volsky  On Monday, the Heritage Foundation published a widely panned study arguing that comprehensive immigration reform that allows undocumented immigrants to earn citizenship would cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion, as the population will take advantage of an array of government programs, including, Social Security,

Sen. Heller — Bought and Paid for by the Gun Lobby

How much does it cost to block a bill in the U.S. Senate? What about a bill that’s supported by an overwhelming majority of the American people? 45 Senators voted to block a bill to expand criminal background checks, and the gun lobby

It’s Official — Fox News Just Hit Rock Bottom. Hard And Repeatedly

— by Rollie Williams, on Upworthy I’m not sure which show makes more sense to be on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart is a pretty funny dude, but smart money says the real comedic geniuses are working at Fox News (buried deep inside the


The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee today is continuing the drumbeat against House Republicans who voted for the radical Republican budget, releasing a new web video to highlight the chasm between mainstream Americans’ priorities and House Republicans’ radical approach. In the video –

The Morality Brigade

by Robert Reich We’re still legislating and regulating private morality, while at the same time ignoring the much larger crisis of public morality in America. In recent weeks Republican state legislators have decided to thwart the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in “Roe

What I’ve Been Reading Lately— Monday, 3/25/2013

Lean in, Women; Corporations and Government, Brush Off Your Hands Veena Trehan, Op-Ed: Fifty years ago, Betty Friedan’s “Feminine Mystique” explained how wives were not fulfilled by homemaking and childbearing. Woman couldn’t get credit, were fired when their pregnancy showed and held