Congressional Republi-Nazis Propose Marriage Unequality

Currently, there are twenty-nine Republi-Nazis in the US House who have proposed that only certain individuals, one man and one woman, are worthy of the pursuit of happiness using a contract of marriage: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This joint resolution may be

Top Senate Republican Hints Voting Rights Act May Be Held Hostage In Exchange For Voter Suppression

— by Ian Millhiser on Jun 26, 2013 at 3:00 pm Tuesday’s decision neutering a key prong of the Voting Rights Act leaves supporters of voting rights in a difficult position. If they do nothing, voter suppression laws can go into effect,

IRS Scandal Manufactured by Darrell Issa’s Himself

Darrell Issa has been shown to be a liar – and a fraud . Why would Issa suddenly do a 360 – and start up the Benghazi investigation again – when he’s been so adamant about getting to the bottom of the

A Deceptive Win on Plan B for Women

Our reproductive rights are still in danger. By Kathleen Robin Joyce Good news for advocates of sensible birth control policy: The Obama administration announced that it’s dropping the fight to impose an age restriction on sales of Plan B One-Step, the emergency contraception pill. Reproductive

Our Star-Spangled Banner Waves for All of Us

The racist attacks on a young Mexican-American prodigy who sang the National Anthem didn’t occur in a vacuum. By Raul A. Reyes Before game three of the recent NBA Finals in San Antonio, Sebastien de la Cruz stepped up to the microphone and belted

Oversight Cmtee Transcript Reveals Darrell Issa Unethically Lied to the American Public

Manager Denies Republican Claims of White House Involvement or Political Motivation Washington, DC (June 18, 2013)—Today, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, released to Members of Congress and the American public the full

Speaker Boehner & his GOP Brethren Approve KXL, Spread Propaganda

I certainly hope that Representative Mark Amodei and Representative Joe Heck made a call to their insurance agents and purchased personal liability insurance for Tar Sands oil spills, because today the voted FOR passage of HR3, the Northern Route Approval Act, legislation introduced by Rep.

A License to Kill

Without environmental regulations, many companies would gladly poison you to earn bigger profits. By David Reingold Regulations stink, right? Lots of politicians run on promises that they’ll get rid of them to make way for an economic boom. Well, have you ever considered