House Republicans Are Pushing A Bill That Would Force The IRS To Audit Rape Victims

BY TARA CULP-RESSLER “House Republicans Are Pushing A Bill That Would Force The IRS To Audit Rape Victims” PHOTO CREDIT: AP PHOTO/MIKE GROLL House Republicans are currently advancing the “No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act,” or HR 7, a measure that would

And Amodei Voted “Aye” with Glee

Knowing that the House was getting ready to take up HR2279,  the Reducing Excessive Deadline Obligations Act of 2013, I took the time to write a letter to Rep. Mark Amodei (NV-CD2): “Very soon, you will be voting on H.R. 2279, the

What Makes Our Economy Grow?

Well, it’s certainly NOT what deadbeats Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Mark Amodei have to offer. Both voted yesterday to let the U.S. default on it’s debts, wreak havoc on the world economy and put the world reserve currency status of the

The GOP’s Little Rule Change They Hoped We Wouldn’t Notice

by  U.S. Representative  Chris  Van Hollen (D-Maryland) Late in the evening on September 30, 2013, the House Rules Committee Republicans changed the Rules of the House so that the ONLY Member allowed to call up the Senate’s clean CR for a vote was Majority

The Weekend Reader

  On the Sabotage of Democracy by Bill Moyers "At least let’s name this for what it is, sabotage of the democratic process. Secession by another means. And let’s be clear about where such reckless ambition leads."   Are Utility Companies Out

Rep. Amodei Hath Become Sharron Angle

Our federal government is being held hostage by a band of Republican extremists who want to radically reshape our country. But while Republicans have made high-profile attempts to defund President Obama’s signature healthcare law, that’s not their only target. Fifty House Republicans,

Shut Up and Work

We wouldn’t be at this point if Congress had done its job over the last several months. —by Ryan Alexander For the first time in 17 years, Congress failed to provide the funding to keep the entire government running. So now you have

Oklahoma Woman Tells GOP Lawmakers: Without Obamacare, ‘I Will Be Dead Before My 27th Birthday’

BY TARA CULP-RESSLER ON OCTOBER 7, 2013 26-year-old Kendall Brown [CREDIT: COURTESY OF KENDALL BROWN] As the deadline approached for Congress to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, Republicans refused to strike a deal unless it defunded or delayed Obamacare.

Boehner: The Nation Will Be On ‘The Path’ To Default If Obama Doesn’t Accept GOP Demands

— BY IGOR VOLSKY ON OCTOBER 6, 2013 House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said the nation would default on its debt later this month if President Obama does not agree to GOP’s demands to cut spending and change parts of the Affordable Care Act. Appearance

Do we need more hungry kids? Amodei says YES.

— by Rich Dunn During the Great Recession, enrollment in SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, doubled to 47 million. Benefits average $133 per month. Most of the beneficiaries are children, elderly or disabled. $133 per month is $4.37 a day, and