A legacy is not what has happened in the past. It is what is handed down to the future. In 2005, Americans United For Change was founded to fend off President Bush’s top policy priority at the time: privatizing Social Security. Americans
Interested in what went on at the NV State Convention? Click on the link in the Blog Roll at the right for the Desert Beacon. Our local Dee Holzel blogged a number of items on the Desert Beacon from the convention floor.
A special meeting was held on April 19th at Sid’s Restaurant to help Humboldt County Delegates prepare themselves to attend the State Convention being held in Reno on May 17th and 18th. Don Rogers opened the meeting at 6:20pm and turned the meeting
The Washoe County Democratic Party is providing preparatory workshops prior to the State Democratic Convention for their delegates and alternates. The dates are posted on the www.washoedems.org Event Calendar and are listed below. At these workshops, delegates and alternates will learn: •
In addition to approving Rules for conducting our county convention, and a framework of bylaws under which our local democratic organization will operate, attendees elected officers of our fledgling organization who will serve until first quarter 2009. Chairperson: Don Rogers Vice Chairperson: Barbara
CALL TO ORDER The convention shall be called to order no later than fifteen minutes after the time announced in the official call. If the Chair does not call the convention to order within this time limit, any Delegate may call the
Delegate counts from the Humboldt County Caucus in January are now posted on the Nevada Democrats Site http://www.nvdems08.com/countyResults.do?county=Humboldt
Humboldt County Democratic Convention Agenda — February 23, 2008 08:00 AM Registration, Credentials and Platform Resolutions Areas Open 10:00 AM Credentials Committee will begin seating Delegates by Candidate Preference on Convention Floor 10:00 AM Gavel drops and Convention begins Welcome to Convention
Release for Guest Commentary Section in the Humboldt Sun Newspaper by Interim PR Chair Patrick Henigin =========================================================== It Ain’t Over ‘til It’s Over – Local Democrats meet Feb. 23 If you thought that the Nevada caucuses were over and done … think
Released by Patrick Henigin Interim PR Chair, Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee ================================================================ The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee has announced plans to hold its Humboldt County Democratic Convention on Saturday, February 23rd. The convention will be held at the Sonoma Heights