Early voting is easy in Nevada, and is available to every voter. Voters can vote at any location in their respective county where early voting is offered. Early voting offers the following benefits: Makes voting more accessible to more citizens; Increases voter
Jill Derby has begun posting her first netDiaries. Her first entry can be found on Daily Kos, and Swing State Project. It should also be available on MyDD and Reno & Its Discontents shortly. Please recommend these diaries and send them around to your friends ASAP so
July 21, 2008, 6:15 pm – 7 pm: Artown – Brundibar Play evening Wingfield Park- Family Night Voluteers will wear T-shirts and walk with Jill to meet and greet. July 26, 2008 from 8:30 am – 11:30 am Lovelock Frontier Days Parade
On Wednesday evening, I participated with a number of other bloggers in a NetRoots conference call sponsored by the Jill Derby campaign and the Desert Beacon. The purpose of the call was to introduce Jill to some of ‘Nevada’s’ bloggers and solicit their
Nicki Schumacher, who headed up the voter registration project at the 4th of July Celebration in the park expresses her thanks to volunteers who were able to register 30 new voters. In her note, she indicated she was hoping for 10, but
We set up a voter registration table at the Red Cross Summer Safety Fair on Sat. April 26th. Nicki Schumacher registered two new voters between 9 and 10. Nicki also got her new neighbors, who moved to Winnemucca recently, to fill out registration forms. Between 10-12, Bea