Notice of Close of Voter Registration for Primary Election

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration for the PRIMARY ELECTION to be held on the 10th day of June 2014, will close on Tuesday the 20th day of May 2014. If you are not currently registered in Humboldt County, you must register by

Meet Vance Alm, M.D. – Candidate for United States Congress

This voting season, Northern Nevada has only one federal level election – Nevada’s Congressional District 2, which encompasses most of Northern Nevada. Dr. Vance Alm, who currently practices family medicine in Sparks, Nevada, is also a military veteran, serving four years enlisted

It’s Decision-Making Time

— Brian Dempsey, Candidate for U.S. Representative (NV-CD2) As you all know it is about 6 weeks until early voting for the Primary Election begins (May 24th thru June 6th).  That means its decision time for the Democrats to decide which of the

Koch Bros Pursuing Election Domination

The Washington’s Post’s “The Fix” blog posted charts that show, clear as day, how the Koch brothers’ Americans For Prosperity is absolutely dominating the airwaves in states with competitive U.S. Senate races. No wonder Nate Silver’s predictions are giving Republicans the edge!

A Clear Warning in Nevada for Dark Money Groups

Today, the Nevada Secretary of State’s office announced a landmark settlement with the Alliance for America’s Future (AAF), a Virginia-based 501(c)(4) organization that spent over $200,000 on political ads in 2010 but failed to comply with state disclosure laws. This agreement is

Are House Republicans Not Just OCD, But Bipolar as well?

— Vickie Rock, a Disgruntled Citizen Over the past year, we’ve heard one claim after another ad nauseum from Republican members of Congress as to how the IRS is discriminating against Republican groups in obtaining 501c4 tax-exempt status. Frankly, that’s a status

Reblogged from the Blue Nevadan Newsletter—

From the Secretary of State’s office: Candidate filing for non-judicial offices on the 2014 ballot begins at 8 a.m tomorrow, March 3 and closes at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14. Candidates can still schedule appointments with the Elections Division at 775-684-5705

Dempsey enters the ring

Gardnerville resident Brian Dempsey filed with the Nevada Secretary of State today as a Democratic candidate for the 2nd Congressional District. “Today I made it official,” said Dempsey, “but I’ve been on this road, literally, for almost a year now. I’ve traveled

The GOP’s Unaffordable WeDon’tCare Act

The GOP’s belated solution to the nation’s health insurance challenges just makes working families pay more. — by Emily Schwartz Greco Remember when it looked like the Republican Party could do nothing but stamp its feet and shout about the Affordable Care