Joe Biden will Not Run for President Swipe Right for Hillary Bernie Sanders Explains Social Security O’Malley on the Need for New Leadership Clinton vs. Sanders vs. O’Malley On Fixing Banking How do we fix Wall Street, a.k.a. “the banks”? How
— by Andrew Breiner | Oct 14, 2015, 12:59 pm In Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate, candidates not only avoided boring their audience, but managed to discuss policy and solutions to real-world problems so that voters will be able to make an informed
Oct 6, 2015 | Press Release from Rep. Elija Cummings, Ranking Member on Select Committee on Benghazi WASHINGTON— Today, Democrats on the Select Committee on Benghazi released a new video and fact sheet rebutting claims made by Chairman Trey Gowdy that the Committee
The Mis-Education Of The Republican Party — by CAP Action War Room The GOP presidential field needs an education, but for the moment their only teacher is Donald Trump. With President Ronald Reagan’s Air Force One casting a shadow over them, eleven
Ruben Kihuen, State Senator and Candidate for U.S. Congress in Nevada’s 4th District, released the following statement regarding Governor Scott Walker’s plan attacking worker’s rights released today in Las Vegas: “Governor Walker’s assault on worker’s rights as an attempt to jump start
The former Maryland governor’s record is inconsistently green, at best. — by Alissa Weinman Commanding the backing of only 2 percent of Democrats in national polls, Martin O’Malley isn’t exactly a big contender in his quest to become the party’s presidential nominee.
Well, now we know what Jeb means by “Right to Rise” … might it refer to deficits and debt? — by CAP Action War Room New Analysis Of Jeb’s Tax Plan Details Massive Tax Giveaways To Wealthiest Americans Yesterday, former Florida Governor
Consistent, Tough, and Effective Leadership to Counter Threats from Iran Hillary Clinton has led the international effort to counter Iran’s support for terrorism, stop its destabilizing role in the Middle East, confront its Holocaust denial and threats against Israel, and ensure Iran
Supporting Iran Nuclear Deal, Sanders Cites Lessons from War in Iraq Press Release: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 In a Senate floor speech later today, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will detail his support for an agreement to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear
You may hear a lot of information surrounding the Hillary Clinton email “scandal”, but Hillary For America’s campaign Press Secretary, Brian Fallon, is here to fact check tweets about the controversy. The emails are NOT a “scandal” … it’s just another GOP