Chip for Congress, NV-CD2

This morning, Chip Evans, former chairman of the Washoe County Democratic Party, announced his candidacy in Nevada’s Congressional District #2.  No Democrat has yet held this seat, but it’s well passed time to fix that. Chip Evans filed his candidacy papers on Saturday with the Federal

Oh Look, There’s a Coding Hole, Let’s Exploit It!

Critics may be crying foul, creating petitions and blaming the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for suspending access to the Democratic “Voter Access Network” database, but it was the Bernie Sanders campaign that exploited some apparent coding hole that allowed them to access confidential voter information gathered

How the Rising Share of Latino Voters Will Impact the 2016 Elections

— by Anna Chu and Charles Posner The United States is undergoing a historic demographic shift, with people of color expected to make up a majority of the population by 2044. Despite the seemingly long trajectory of these changes, the political implications

Supreme Court Takes Up ‘Fundamental Concept of Democracy’ in Voting Case

Supreme Court to decide if states should be required to draw legislative districts based on eligible voters or total populations — by Nadia Prupis, CommonDreams staff writer The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday heard a case on redistricting that could have a

Republican Presidential Candidates Want You To Know They Are Against LGBT Rights

— by Zack Ford Dec 8, 2015 4:20 PM Over the past few weeks, several Republican presidential candidates have served up attacks on LGBT people, recommitting themselves to persecution by rolling back gains for equality and enshrining the right to discriminate into law.

Clinton: Supporting Our Veterans, Troops and their Families

Just ahead of Veteran’s Day, Presidential candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton has issued a fact sheet detailing her commitments to our Nation’s Veterans.  “As Commander-in-Chief, Secretary Clinton will personally commit to fulfilling America’s promise to our veterans, our troops, and their families — a commitment

2016 Nevada State Democratic Party Precinct Caucuses

WHEN:  Saturday February 20, 2016 TIME:  11 a.m. PST (Doors open at 10 am for same-day registration) What are the Nevada Caucuses? The Nevada Caucuses are gatherings of neighbors, organized by the Nevada State Democratic Party (NSDP), where Democrats join others in their