Worth the Repeat: Amodei’s Actions re: TPP

(Originally published on 12/10/2013) On December 5th, I sent an email to Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV2) regarding my concerns as to “fast-tracking” the  Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) currently being negotiated in secrecy behind closed doors: I view the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a secret

Catherine Cortez Masto is the Progressive Nevada Needs in the Senate

— Endorsement by UNLV Rebel Yell There is a monumental political fight raging on right now. In certain ways, this fight is just as important as the one to keep the racist, dangerous demagogue Donald Trump out of the White House. Our

A Historic Election for Women — and Not Just Because of Hillary

Thanks to Donald Trump, many women are speaking up about things they normally keep to themselves. — by Jill Richardson This election may be revolutionary for women for an unexpected reason. First woman president? OK, there’s that. But I don’t think there’s

The Future of Civil Rights is Up To the Supreme Court

A single court seat can change the landscape of our liberties — and this election could determine four. — by Mary Frances Berry When 95-year-old Rosanell Eaton first registered to vote in the Jim Crow South, she was forced to pass a

The Facts Behind Comey’s Unprecedented Letter

By now, you’ve probably heard some news about a bewildering letter sent to Congressional leaders by the Director of the FBI. Republicans received their copy first.  Congressional Democrats didn’t receive a copy until it Republicans had promulgated it on wrong-wing media sites. This

Donald Trump Still Dodging Disclosure on Tax Returns

With nine days left in the election, Donald Trump and his campaign have made it clear that he will continue to buck long-standing precedent and keep his tax returns hidden from American voters. Governor Mike Pence and Kellyanne Conway were both confronted