The Modern Movement for Civil Rights

Congress must act to correct the Supreme Court’s many wrongs. — by Julian Bond The racial picture in America has improved remarkably in my lifetime, so much so that a black man has been elected and re-elected President of the United States

Texas Judge Forbids Lesbian Woman From Living With Her Partner

In a post at Think Progress last Friday, we once again learn that the REPUBLIBAN’s culture war against the LGBT community is still raging — By Ian Millhiser on May 17, 2013 at 1:30 pm Carolyn Compton is in a three year-old relationship with

Seven Terrible State Bills

— by ThinkProgress War Room | Mar 27, 2013 Recently, we discussed some of the terrible bills floating around out there in state legislatures. Here’s another look at some of the worst proposals, including a couple that were signed into law this week: NORTH

Have You Read SB192? You Should!

SB192, the  Nevada Preservation of Religious Freedom Act (NPRFA), is currently being considered by the Judiciary committee. NPRFA is a “statified” version of the federal RFRA (Religion Freedom Restoration Act), which was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1997 because it overstepped Congress’ power

GOP Senator Takes Credit For Anti-Rape Law He Voted Against

The unethical dishonesty by the GOP leadership never ceases to amaze me.  Here’s a post from ThinkProgress today exposing yet another piece of flagrant dishonesty being committed by Texas’ senior senator, and the GOP’s Senate Minority Whip.  Personally, I find Sen. Cornyn’s

2012-11-27: What I’ve Been Reading Today

  Military Women Challenge Combat Exclusion Rule In Lawsuit Against Defense Department Molly O’Toole | HuffPost: A first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, a captain in the Marine Corps Reserves, a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves and a major

How Will Heller Vote Tomorrow?

NRSC communications director Brian Walsh went of the attack against Democrats and the Paycheck Fairness Act saying, “This pathetic political attack is just the latest effort by Senate Democrats to distract Americans from their failed leadership on the economy and it simply