Why This Price Is Wrong

The next health secretary shouldn’t have a record of benefiting from prescription drug profiteering. — by LeeAnn Hall For most people, prescription drugs are a lifeline. For Representative Tom Price, Donald Trump’s health secretary nominee, they’re a source of profits. Indeed, hundreds

Health Care Repeal Is a Stealth Tax Break for Millionaires

If Obama’s health law is reversed, taxes will go down for the rich and up for the poor, while millions lose coverage. — by Josh Hoxie Great magicians are masters of diversion. They attract our attention with one hand while using the

Joint Statement on Committee Inquiry into Russian Intelligence Activities

01.13.17 WASHINGTON – Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, today issued a joint statement regarding the Committee’s inquiry into Russian intelligence activities:

So Much for Women & Members of the LGBTQ Community

Today, the Senate held a number of hearings for the incoming administrations nominees.  One in particular was for General Mattis as Secretary of Defense.  The approved a waiver to allow him to be considered even though he’s been retired only 3 of

In One Night, the GOP Voted to Take Away These Essential Health Benefits

Republican Grim Reapers just showed us exactly where they stand! — by Melissa Boteach and Jeremy Slevin (with embellishments from this site’s editor) Last night while you were sleeping, the Senate debated and ultimately passed a budget resolution that provides a pathway

#Rexxon ‘not aware’ of the existence of fossil fuel subsidies

But independent analysis suggests that Exxon gets as much as $1 billion in oil and gas subsidies. During former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson’s confirmation hearing for Secretary of State on Wednesday, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) wanted to know how, if confirmed, the