House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties Pentagon’s Hands On Climate Change

— by Ryan Koronowski on May 22, 2014 at 6:24 PM Sea level rise is impacting naval bases. Climate change is altering natural disaster response. Drought is influenced by climate change in the Middle East and Africa leading to conflicts over food and water — as in, for instance,

It’s Corruption … and Corruption is Corruption!

— by Sen. Bernie Sanders When I read the Supreme Court’s McCutcheon decision, I had to ask myself a question: What democracy is Chief Justice John Roberts living in? Because it doesn’t look anything like ours. In McCutcheon, just like in Citizens

2M Undocumented Immigrants Have Been Deported Since 2009

— by CAP Action War Room Last month, President Obama called for a review of deportation policy. To get a sense of how enormous the number of deportations have been under this administration, check out this infographic from our colleagues at the

Party Of The 1% Filibustered Debate on Minimum Wage Increase

—by CAP Action War Room Like CAP Action on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! GOP Senators Vote Against Working Americans And Block Minimum Wage Increase A minority of 41 Senators, all Republicans (and YES, that includes Sen. Dean Heller), voted today

PFAW Praises Senate for This Week’s Action on Judicial Confirmations

After a two week recess, the Senate has made significant progress in judicial confirmations on its first week back. This is not due to a drop in Republican obstruction, but instead to Majority Leader Harry Reid’s determination to overcome that obstruction. Only

11 Things The Senate Should Remember While Voting On The Minimum Wage

— by CAP Action War Room After returning from a two-week recess, the Senate is planning to vote on raising the minimum wage to $10.10 this Wednesday. The bill, called the “Minimum Wage Fairness Act,” needs 60 votes to advance thanks to the de

Let the EPA Do Its Job!

Dear Representative Amodei — There was a time when the Republican part stood for something.  It was  President Richard Nixon who established the Environmental Protection Agency by executive order, and which began operation on December 2, 1970. That order, establishing the EPA, was ratified by

Are House Republicans Not Just OCD, But Bipolar as well?

— Vickie Rock, a Disgruntled Citizen Over the past year, we’ve heard one claim after another ad nauseum from Republican members of Congress as to how the IRS is discriminating against Republican groups in obtaining 501c4 tax-exempt status. Frankly, that’s a status

It’s Time for Voters to Take Out the Senatorial Trash

— by Vickie Rock, Humboldt Dems Secretary and proud Navy Veteran Today, S1982 came up for a vote in the Senate. S1982 is the Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014.  S1982 amends federal veterans provisions