PRIMARY ELECTION June 14, 2016 — Register to Vote — By Mail: Posted by 5/14/16Online: By 5/24/16 In-Person: By 5/24/16 — Early Voting — Begins: May 28, 2016 Ends: June 10, 2016— Absentee ballot — Request by: June 7, 2016 Return by:
The U.S. House Armed Services Committee (HASC) added a rider late Wednesday evening to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that transfers control of more than half of Nevada’s sprawling Desert National Wildlife Refuge to the U.S. Air Force. Source: Why is
The Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce will hold its Candidates Night (the largest of the Candidate Forums) on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at the West Hall of the Convention Center in Winnemucca. A meet and greet social hour is scheduled from 5:00
— by Roberta Lange, Chair–NV State Democratic Party Earlier this year, Nevada voters made their voices heard in the Democratic presidential race. The contest here between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was energetic and hard-fought, a clear reminder of why the country needs
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration for the PRIMARY ELECTION to be held on the 14th day of June 2016, will close on Tuesday, the 24th day of May 2016. If you are NOT currently registered in Humboldt County, you must register by
If you plan on running to be a Delegate or Alternate to the Democratic National Convention, you will need to be elected as a Delegate or Alternate at your county convention to the NV Dems State Convention on Saturday, May 14th. NATIONAL
— by Ian Millhiser A new Utah law will subject women to medically unnecessary risk in order to ward off a problem that almost certainly does not exist. It makes a significant new incursion on what remains of Roe v. Wade —
— by Ian Millhiser When the Supreme Court met last January to hear an aggressive attempt to defund public sector unions, the news looked grim for organized workers. All five of the Court’s conservatives seemed ready to accept the plaintiffs’ legal arguments, a
Immigration activists demonstrate at the Supreme Court in Washington in support of President Barack Obama’s executive order to grant relief from deportation in order to keep immigrant families together, March 18, 2016. The U.S. Capitol is in the background. — by Tom