‘We disgrace ourselves by allowing this misconduct to continue,’ 178 House Democrats say in letter to Speaker Paul Ryan by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer Backed by key women’s health and civil liberties groups, 178 House Democrats on Tuesday sent a letter to Republican Speaker
New investigation by Rewire finds that ‘pregnancy crisis centers’ use geofencing to target women seeking abortions by Nadia Prupis, staff writer Anti-choice groups are using smartphone location tracking technology known as geofencing to target women seeking abortions with advertisements intended to mislead and
House Democrats and Obama administration, meanwhile, criticize bill’s assault on Clean Water Act — by Andrea Germanos, staff writer The Republican-controlled U.S. House on Tuesday passed legislation—newly rebranded with the word “Zika” in it—that Democrats say is in fact not at all
The Humboldt County Clerk’s Office located on the second floor of the Humboldt County Courthouse, 50 w 5th St. Winnemucca, NV will be open for the purpose of allowing registered voters in Humboldt County to vote early on the following dates:
On Thursday, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney [D-NY] offered an amendment to the military construction and veterans affairs spending bill that would prohibit discrimination against LGBT individuals in hiring and employment activities. It was very similar to an amendment that was offered last year
Monday, May 16, 2016 Mr. Jim Roosevelt and Ms. Lorraine Miller Co-Chairs, Rules and Bylaws Committee Democratic National Committee 430 South Capitol Street Southeast Washington, DC 20003 To the Co-Chairs and Members of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee: By this letter,
— by Mike Burns I have seen a glimpse of the Bernie Sanders Political Revolution and it is pretty ugly. Evidently, Bernie’s revolution will consist of misogynistic insults, vandalism, conspiracy theories, the dissing of party officials and death threats against those same
The Nevada State Democratic Party released information on the Nevada Delegates to the 2016 Democratic National Committee Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Convention is scheduled for July 25-28. At the Convention, Delegates will formally elect the Democratic Party’s 2016 nominee for President. Nevada’s