NRA Demands, Once Again, Trump Constituent Demands

The duplicitous NRA wants guns in OUR workplaces, in our groceries, in our churches, in our night clubs, yet they ban carrying loaded rifles into THEIR offices. To assure their demands are heeded, they send out their chief lobbyist to threaten our politicians such that if they were

#NRA Class of 2016 with Scholarship Donations

Have you ever wondered why the GOP Senate continually sides with the NRA on all gun-related proposed legislation, and against well over a majority of their constituents, Democrat, Republican and Independents? They’ve been bought, including Nevada’s own Sen. Dean Heller (to the

Chip Evans and Northern Nevada Democrats Ready to Lead

PRESS RELEASE: Remarks from today’s Press Conference in Reno with Democratic Candidates RENO, NV — “As perhaps never before, our communities in northern Nevada face both enormous challenges and opportunities. Too many among us are still hurting from the devastation of the

While The Buffoon on the Right Puffs His Chest About Veterans ….

This morning, Mr. Trump once again puffed his chest and sucked up all the wind in the room touting how he’s the only one supporting Veterans.  Really? I’m sorry, but the inadequately vague brief set of plans outlined on his website clearly demonstrate his clear

Make America Gray Again

— by  CAP Action War Room Donald Trump Unveils His Energy Platform This afternoon after he really, officially clinched the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump went to the heart of America’s current oil boom to unveil his energy platform. He gave his speech at

It Is Time to Phase Out 9 Unnecessary Oil and Gas Tax Breaks

Download the report:  PDF The investment tax credit, or ITC, and production tax credit, or PTC, for clean energy have played an essential role in expediting the deployment of wind, solar, and other forms of clean energy in the United States. In