Congress Passes Puerto Rico Debt Legislation, President Obama Signs Sill into Law

Yesterday, President Barack Obama signed PROMESA (Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act) into law, just one day before the July 1st deadline where Puerto Rico is expected to default on $2 billion of debt, including $800 million of Constitutionally backed

IRS Opens Up Form 990 Data, Ushering Nonprofit Sector into the Age of Transparency

— by Alex Howard Making meaningful improvements to how the federal government uses the internet can take years, new laws, regulations, demonstration projects, testimony and dogged persistence by public interest advocates and reformers in the pursuit of change. Then, all at once,

The Irony of Ironies via Republican Poison Pills

H.R. 2577 is a conglomeration of a number of bills (Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017) that  the Senate needs to take action on failed a super-majority vote (60 votes) for cloture (the ability to be considered and

VOTER ALERT: Nevada Secretary of State Cegavske Advises Voters to Beware of Information Received from Non-Official Resources

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kaitlin Barker (702) 486-6982   (Carson City, NV; June 23, 2016) – As we enter the 2016 general election cycle, Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske would like to inform registered voters and individuals not registered to

DC Circuit Court Upholds FCC Net Neutrality Rules

On June 14, 2016, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s 2015 Net Neutrality rules in their entirety. The court ruled that the FCC had the authority to regulate broadband Internet access service as a “common carrier” service

Supreme Court on DACA Tied 4/4 (Updated)

The Republican Congress has done everything possible to NOT to address effective and efficient Immigration Reform legislation.  And to assure that NOTHING happens, 113 Republicans chose to use our limited tax dollars to sue the President for attempting to take whatever action he

A Bishop In The Exam Room: When Faith Dictates Health Care Instead Of Science

A number of folks in Humboldt County have expressed complaints about our local hospital, but they should be thankful for the secular hospital we have available to serve our population. Given the merger-mania in corporate America, we could be facing, like so