FACT CHECK: Catherine Cortez Masto on Crime v. Joe Heck

While Cortez Masto Prosecuted Criminals, Congressman Heck Threatened Nevadans’ Safety By Voting Against More Funding For Cops Las Vegas, NV – Another day, another out-of-state special interest group propping up Congressman Heck’s campaign with lies about Catherine Cortez Masto. Last night, it was reported

Video from the Convention

Bernie Sanders full speech: First Lady Michelle Obama’s full speech: Minnesota Sen. Al Franken’s full speech: New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s full speech: Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s speech: Michael Bloomberg’s full speech: VP Joe Biden’s full speech: President Barack Obama’s full

NV Secretary of State’s Office Certifies Sufficiency of 3 Petitions

(Carson City, NV; July 12, 2016) – Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, in her capacity as Nevada’s chief elections officer, today certified that the petitions returned for The Energy Choice Initiative, Medical Patient Tax Relief Act, and Referendum on Certain Provisions

New Protections: A Big Deal for Retirement Security : U.S. Department of Labor Blog

Are you worried about having enough money in retirement? You have a lot of company if you are. And like most people, you probably want to make good decisions about your retirement money, and would … Source: New Protections: A Big Deal