A Look Back At Some of Heck’s Very Own Racially Charged and Sexist Comments

Heck’s Aides Are Not The Only Ones Making Offensive Comments Two of Congressman Heck’s long-time aides, Tom McAllister and Mark Ciavola, are facing criticism from the Nevada Latino community after disparaging Catherine Cortez Masto’s Mexican heritage. It’s been a while now since McAllister and

White House: “Ignorance is not an excuse”

A day after the Senate and House voted to override President Obama’s veto of legislation to allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest made a statement about Congress’ action. Senator Schumer (potentially the next

Time to Hold Mr. Trump to a “President” Standard instead of an “Entertainer” Standard

That was certainly a low bar! Last night, during the Commander-in-Chief Forum on live national television, Donald Trump kicked off his evening by lying to the American people about his position on the Iraq War — and no one stopped to call

Reagan Sold Your Future, Trump Will Too

White working-class voters should think twice before electing another flag-waving, immigrant-bashing, billionaire-enriching politician. — by Mitchell Zimmerman Two generations ago, many white working-class Democrats bought into Ronald Reagan’s promise of a better nation. Eager for “morning in America” — and swayed by

Under a President Trump—School Could Be Out Forever

Donald Trump has already #blessed us with several backwards speeches this week about immigration and foreign policy, and this Saturday he’s gearing up for another ramble, this time about education. Surprising basically no one at this point, Donald Trump’s plans for education

FACT CHECK: NRSC Ad Repeats Old Discredited Attacks on Catherine Cortez Masto’s Record

The National Republican Senatorial Committee released an ad on Spanish-language television that attacks Catherine Cortez Masto’s record as Attorney General. The ad claims that crime rose under Cortez Masto’s leadership – a claim that has been called “deceitful and conniving” by Nevada

Will Koch-Backed Groups Be Able to Buy a Senate Seat for Joe Heck?

Four separate groups funded by Koch brothers are spending big to boost Congressman Heck because he will support their right-wing agenda in Washington. So far, Cortez Masto and Heck are locked in a near dead-heat — tied at 37 percent. Four separate groups in the

Leaked Document: Apparently It’s OK for the RW But Not for Clinton

A leaked memo from the Director of Congressional Affairs “The State Department’s Office of Inspector General sent a memo to members of Congress discussing the results of an “examination” of records kept on the personal hardware of five previous and current secretaries