Dear Friends of Catherine Cortez Masto, I’m sure you’ve seen some of the attack ads that are being run by out-of-state organizations lying about Catherine Cortez Masto. Outside groups backed by the Koch brothers, Mitch McConnell and other Washington Republicans have spent almost $20
Small-business owner Marty Rosenberg thought he could trust Donald Trump to pay what he owed for the work Marty did on the Trump Taj Mahal casino. But he quickly learned that was a mistake. Watch and share this video so voters know
Dr. Joe Heck is running to replace Senator Harry Reid because he claims to want to represent Nevadans but we have yet to see any actual evidence of that claim. As an example, last week, as the House of Representatives was voting on a
In Congress, Dr. Joe Heck introduced legislation to “fully repeal” (without any replacement) what he claims is “the unsustainable ACA.” He also voted 37 times to eliminate the Affordable Care Act altogether. Congressman Joe Heck recently met with the Reno Gazette Journal’s Editorial
Joe Heck supporter and noted birther Wayne Allyn Root posted an offensive and crudely sexist Review-Journal column this weekend attacking Hillary Clinton and Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe who Donald Trump bullied as “Miss Housekeeping” because she is Latina. Root cites a British tabloid and literally nothing else to defend Trump and labels
Today, Hillary for America released a new Spanish language ad, “No es de oro” (All that Glitters Isn’t Gold), featuring a Latina Trump Hotel worker in Las Vegas who recounts how Trump treats his employees like “second-class workers.” Don’t let the glitzy
Hillary Clinton believes we need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. But today, there are still powerful interests fighting to protect their own profits and privileges at the expense of everyone else. Too many
Joe Heck may be a doctor, but he doesn’t vote like one. He votes like a Washington Republican. He voted eight times to defund Planned Parenthood’s basic services, denying thousands of women coverage for cancer screenings and preventive care. He even voted
Ever wonder why millionaires and billionaires have so much money to spend trying to buy elections? A lot of it comes from gaming the tax code. And one of the most egregious ways the super-rich avoid taxes is called the “carried interest”
The Clinton campaign has released sharp ads attacking Donald Trump for his erratic temperament, his long history of misogynistic remarks, and his lack of foreign policy experience. But one of the most eviscerating ad efforts of the fall (so far) has come in