Congressman Heck Desperately Tried to Reverse His 9 Months of Support for Trump…It Didn’t Go Over Well

— by Sarah Zukowski After months of continually supporting Donald Trump throughout Trump’s racist, sexist, and disgusting comments, Congressman Joe Heck decided today to cravenly and desperately attempt to save his career as a Washington politician and reverse his decision. To say Republicans

Getting Ready for the 2016 Election

Tami Rae Spero, Humboldt County Clerk and Ex-Officio Registrar of Voters, has published her “Notice of Close of Voter Registration for the November 8, 201 General Election.  That notice proclaimed that registration for the General Election which will be held on the

Getting Things Right —Time to Elect Hillary and a “Working Congress” Who Will Fix Things

— Reprinted from The Democracy Initiative: How to Fix It (Visit their site to learn more.) Americans deserve a Senate that conducts its business efficiently and fairly, that prioritizes debate and transparency, and that is capable of action on the pressing challenges of our

Catherine Cortez Masto’s Statement on Trump/Heck Connection

Many of you have likely seen news of Congressman Heck’s desperate, craven attempt to distance himself from Donald Trump.  As you watch his efforts, please know and share these simple facts: This is not leadership. This is a craven, desperate, pathetic attempt

Chip Evans on Donald Trump being Donald Trump

“I’ve seen the damage caused by seven years of the Obama Administration’s influence over health care, national security, foreign relations, energy, and the economy,” stated Congressman Amodei. “Not to mention the ever-growing list of crippling federal regulations and the lack of transparency

Cortez Masto Joins NV Seniors—Highlights Her Commitment to Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Catherine sets out clear contrast between herself and her opponent, Congressman Joe Heck, who supports privatizing Social Security and turning Medicare into a voucher program Former Nevada Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto joined Northern Nevada seniors to highlight