Donald Trump has already #blessed us with several backwards speeches this week about immigration and foreign policy, and this Saturday he’s gearing up for another ramble, this time about education. Surprising basically no one at this point, Donald Trump’s plans for education are reckless (just like his plans in basically every other policy area). The (alleged) billionaire wants to help pay for his deficit-ballooning “billionaires-first” tax plan by eliminating or drastically cutting the Department of Education—that’s right, the agency that helps ensure we have educated children in this country. His speech this weekend is supposed to be part of Trump’s new outreach to African-American voters, to whom he has asked “what do you have to lose?” Black students stand to lose a lot under Trump’s education plan, which would will deny Pell Grant to 2.7 million black students and eliminate Title I aid for 5.3 million black students in Pre-k through 12.
Here are a few more findings about the consequences Trump’s education plan:
- 9 million low-income students would lose $15 billion of Title I funding annually
- 5 million children and students with disabilities would lose $12.7 billion used every year to ensure that they receive a quality education
- 750,000 or more students from military families, Native American students, students living in U.S. territories, and students living on federal property or Native American lands would lose $1.1 billion per year for their schools
- 4,000 or more rural school districts would lose more than $175 million used annually to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in many hard to staff schools
- $700 million used by states to support the 5 million English language learners currently in public schools—representing close to 10 percent of all students—would be cut
This material [the article above] was created by the Center for American Progress Action Fund. It was created for the Progress Report, the daily e-mail publication of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. Click here to subscribe. ‘Like’ CAP Action on Facebook and ‘follow’ us on Twitter